How Efficient Refrigerants Help Heat Pumps Reduce Carbon Emissions

Why Heat Pumps are Replacing Fossil Fuel-Based Systems

It’s difficult to imagine a world without heating and cooling. So, as environmental concerns around climate change increase, the industry is shifting toward lower carbon, electrified, energy-efficient systems.

Heat pumps offer dependable temperature management without the harmful environmental effects of burning fossil fuels. Systems that use Opteon™ refrigerants consume less energy, which reduces carbon emissions. Watch below to learn about the positive impact residential heat pumps, high-temperature heat pumps, and chillers have on our everyday lives.

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Industrial waste heat is the energy generated in industrial processes that is released into the environment rather than repurposed for other uses. Waste heat recovery captures that energy in high-temperature heat pumps, and transfers it to another application, such as district heating.

Fill out the form to get our infographic and see the physical journey that waste heat takes as it travels for residential and commercial heating purposes.

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